NZ Criminal Record check


Order your own criminal record from the NZ Ministry of Justice

Ordering your criminal record takes just a few minutes. You can use your phone's camera to capture your ID documents, and sign online with your finger. Then complete by paying with your credit card.
Your result will be ready in 3 working days!

Step 1: Order your check
Order your check by providing first and last name, and your email.
Step 2: Upload data
We will then email you the link to upload your data and ID documents using the mobile-friendly form and sign online.
Step 3: Verify ID
We then verify your identity, usually within a few minutes, and sends the request to the MoJ.
Step 4: See results in dashboard
As soon as the results come in from MoJ, you’ll receive an email and the results will appear instantly in your dashboard.

Your result will be ready in 3 working days!

Order now for just $39

Your record will be ready in just 3 working days!

First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Your Email



The easiest, fastest way to get your criminal record.

What is an NZ Criminal Record check?

A Criminal Record (also known as a criminal conviction history, or CCH) is the history of your criminal and traffic convictions in New Zealand, held on the computer systems of the Ministry of Justice.

What if I need my full criminal record check?

For most jobs, it is against the law for an employer to ask for, or make you reveal, your full record. However you might need your full record when you are: applying for specific jobs such as police, prison or probation roles involved in court cases or tribunal hearings travelling to certain countries – check with the embassy or consulate of the country you want to travel to.
If you need your full criminal record, you'll need to get it directly from the Ministry of Justice. No priority service is available, and you may have to wait 20 working days or more for your result.

Is this the right kind of check for me?

A clean slate Criminal Record check is the most common type of check, and for most jobs, the only type of check that anyone can legally request of you.

You may also hear a Criminal Record check referred to as:

Criminal Conviction History (CCH)
Police Check
Police Record.

I need my check urgently, can you speed things up for me?

Sorry, no. We already process checks as quickly as possible. In fact, you'll normally receive your result for even faster than our advertised 3 working day turnaround. If you have a hard deadline, don't cut things fine. Choose a priority that has an estimate well before your deadline.

criminal record
from the NZ Ministry of Justice

Namecheck has many useful forms. Tenancy forms for landlords and pre-employment information for employers to print at anytime.