Terms and Conditions



While the  website, its content and any of the information on it (together “the Content”) is published in good faith, Namecheck makes no warranty or representation about the Content being free of errors or omissions, complete or correct.

Namecheck excludes to the maximum extent permitted by law, any liability which may arise as a result of the use of the Content.
Namecheck will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential loss arising from use of the Content, including loss of business profits.
Namecheck reserves the right to change, amend or delete the Content from time to time and without notice.
Namecheck obligations with respect to its services are governed solely by the agreements under which they are provided. Nothing on the Website should be construed to alter or form part of such agreement.

By signing up, you agree to receive news, offers and other promotional material from and about Namecheck, including by email, phone and email to the contact information you are submitting. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time.

Namecheck tenant check searches the names you have entered, for history provided by Ministry of Justice records:

All Tenancy Tribunal orders are presented in written form for you to read online. The majority of Tenancy Tribunal decisions are provided but not all orders are made public due to legal requirements or an adjudicator’s decision to not permit publication of the decision.
Namecheck makes every reasonable effort to ensure it achieves the highest level of accuracy possible when recording the names of the parties involved. However the Tribunal and Namecheck is reliant upon the party who initiated the proceedings to accurately identify the parties.
The data published on this site is accurate to within a week of the any decisions being published.
We store a large volume of published tribunal orders, we update new outcomes on a weekly basis. Namecheck  has no need to remove its stored information at the end of three years; so orders and references may include older history older than that currently published on  Ministry of Justice Tenancy Tribunal Orders Online service.
References were few in 2015 but this number has grown as more landlords lodge their references online. It is a quick and easy final means to communicate a reference. A standard form is provided online with a template prompt for a fast reference. Accuracy and strict guidelines must be adhered to by those lodging references.
Results of tenant name searches are either orders of the tribunal made by independent judicial offers (Tenancy Adjudicators) or former landlords and Agents references and cannot be altered in anyway. The same care to accurate detail applies to the online references, by former Landlords and Agents, as applied to orders and mediation.
If an Order is stayed or overturned as a result of a re-hearing, the original Order may not be published. But you may on occasion read both. ( administrative delay with removal of original )
Please also note this website’s more general disclaimer ” We do not alter any of the information placed on our site.”  Only the Tribunal itself can amend the Order through the statutory re-hearing or appeal provisions.
General forms are provided for printing and your use any time at no charge and do include our logo and some extra questions in reference to the id you used .
Namecheck is operating a business located in New Zealand, the price displayed is in New Zealand dollars ( NZD) and all transactions are billed in New Zealand dollars. There are no additional charges to the basic price. No refund will be given once the check has been run,  contact us if you require assistance.
Namecheck does not share client’s details. Please read our privacy policy for more detail.
Only the landlord (or Accommodation Agent who issued reference ) can amend their reference at their discretion. Namecheck can consider breeches of accuracy on a case by case listing, then strive for an outcome where possible, to highlight breech.

Namecheck members are required to read and  agree to the terms and conditions specific  to use of the Namecheck credit check.  The Credit Reporting Privacy Code of 2020 requires random audits of suppliers and users of New Zealand credit reporting services. We agree to comply with their random regulation investigations. This requires you to use and keep your authorization form for an audit of the use of a credit report for up to two years from the date of enquiry.

Drivers License Check also has terms and conditions specific to employers using the Namecheck License check. The New Zealand Transport Association also require you to use the authorization form and randomly run compliance checks or investigations.

Namecheck services are 24 hours / 7 days a week all year with the exception of unavoidable circumstances like flooding, earthquakes or sudden system failures. Covid 19 has not effected the running of Namecheck, it is business as usual.  Our administration team close for all public holidays, Christmas and New Year. Further details of these days are listed in the privacy section.   Namecheck endeavors to send most members a Christmas & Easter email notifying these annual interruptions,  unless the member has previously chosen to unsubscribe from email list.

Members purchasing a discounted package of Namechecks are sent an invoice/receipt by email, confirming their transaction, our GST number is also on this for your taxation requirements.

To ensure we are publishing content customers need and want, Namecheck collects site-visitation statistics using cookies. We only use this information in aggregated form and only use site-visitation statistics for improving our site. When someone visits the site, a cookie is placed on the customer’s machine (if the customer accepts cookies) or is read if the customer has visited the site previously.

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