Understand your credit score



Low score: 1 – 300
You’ve probably got payment defaults or other bad data on your file or other bad data such as a bankruptcy, poor payment history (such as paying late). You could also have a high number of credit enquiries, especially recent ones and for small amounts.
Below average: 300 – 500
It could be that you are in the younger age bracket or you may have recently applied for one or more smaller credit facilities or to credit providers that offer services to higher risk customers.
Middle of the road: 500 – 700
Your score aligns with the majority of people. Smaller things will push the score up, such as your age or having a mortgage.
Woohoo! More than 700
Scoring in this range will often be associated with being in the older age groups, having been fairly disciplined with your applications for credit and not making too many applications, having a mortgage and/or an investment property. And constantly paying your accounts on time.


How to change your credit score?

Make payments on time.
Pay credit card in full.
Limit payday loans and quick finance options.
If you are turned down for a loan, check your credit history and fix any errors before applying for more loans.
Don’t share bills: Make sure your name isn’t on any bills with other people.
Limit credit applications: Every time you apply for credit, the lender will do a credit check. Each check negatively impacts your score. Only apply for what you really need.
Wait for the time limits: Items on your credit history stick around for a set amount of time, four to five years.


What impact your credit score?

– Missed payments.
– Insolvency.
– Applying for too much credit.
– Credit transfers.
– Debt collections.
– Hardship applications.
– Payday loan and quick finance applications
– No credit: This can have the same negative impact as having bad credit.
– Defaulting on payments: A default is where a payment over $125 is overdue by more than 30 days and the lender has tried to recover the money. This stays on your credit record even if you repay the amount in full.



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